The Morning Mile

What is the Morning Mile?

It’s a chance for kids in elementary and middle schools to:

  • Start every morning being active
  • Walk or run off some before-school energy
  • Earn prizes
  • Have fun with friends and family
  • And most important of all, get a head start on the long-term benefits of an active lifestyle

It starts at your school, and it’s free!

Why are we bringing the Morning Mile to your school?

Because Niswonger Children’s Hospital cares about children’s health.

The Morning Mile was created to help children develop healthy habits, like daily exercise.

Exercising before school increases oxygen flow to the brain, reduces stress and improves mood. Research proves that kids who exercise regularly do better in school.

That’s why programs like the Morning Mile are perfect for your child’s school.

What has Morning Mile accomplished?

Niswonger Children’s Hospital has been an active Morning Mile participant since 2014.

Just last year, more than 55,000 kids participated in the Morning Mile.

And over those five years since Morning Mile started, children in our community have run more than 1 million miles!

Incentives make it more fun

Kids can earn reward necklaces and charms as they reach different milestones.

A Healthy Habit kit is awarded each month to the Morning Mile students who achieved the most miles and days of participation.

Time to get moving!

All kids need to do is show up before school – with or without their parents – at the Morning Mile start time and location set by their school.

Parents are encouraged to join in and be active together as a family and to volunteer to help their school with the program.

Start a healthy habit today – join the Morning Mile

For more information on the Morning Mile program, call (423) 431-4875 or email

You can help

More than 80 schools in our region are currently up and running on the Morning Mile program, but there are dozens more who are on a waiting list and need funding assistance to get started.

Sponsor a school

You can sponsor a school for $1,000, which provides the materials, prizes and incentives needed to get kids moving in the mornings and on the road to better health.

When you sponsor, we'll give you updates on your school’s progress, so you can celebrate with us as the kids reach their fitness milestones.

To sponsor a school, contact Tara Chadwell at (423) 431-4891.